
Planning System Reform

This message highlights the package of announcements in relation to reform of the planning system. 

DEFRA Secretary of State visits the constituency

Massive thank you to @theresecoffey for spending a morning in Twyford @stevebrinemp to visit Jude’s ice cream - they sell their ice cream in the Houses of Parliament too - and Hinton Ampner to look at what the National Trust are doing with sustainable farming.

Chief Secretary to the Treasury visits the Constituency

Busy day with some of our local wine and brewing businesses with Chief Secretary to the Treasury, John Glen MP, listening to what Government can do to help. I have been lobbying to change wine duty on our English sparkling wines which are now taxed as normal wines rather than luxury goods.

Flick visits Hinton Ampner

I had a fascinating visit to the National Trust Hinton Ampner estate yesterday. We walked around the estate to look at all the environmental changes that the National Trust are bringing in to improve diversity.

Weekly Roundup- 21st July

This week I have had 15-year-old on work experience with me. Sometimes, these weeks can be time consuming and tricky but I have to say, she has been a delight and has fitted into the team well with enthusiasm and has contributed much over the week.