Our Local Priorities

Investment in our local NHS

The Royal Hampshire County Hospital's new Elective Hub and Orthopaedic Outpatient's department guarantees health services in the heart of Winchester. The investment will deliver additional capacity and more timely care for those waiting for operations, especially as consultants will be working 6 days a week. This shows ongoing investment in Winchester's hospital which will continue working for decades to come. 

In even better news, Flick has been campaigning for an up to £900m new state-of-the-art acute and trauma hospital to provide the best outcomes with the latest technology and more consultants. An Emergency Department at Winchester will remain looking after the majority of urgent cases. 

Flick has been working with local GP surgeries to help speed up waiting times for appointments and getting more dentists in our area. 

Helping local Businesses survive

Key to Flick's job has been championing local businesses of all sizes. During Covid she helped support businesses get money from the Government for furloughing and grants to keep jobs and businesses survive. Small businesses are a major part of our economy and she works hard to listen to the issues and make sure they thrive. 

She welcomes the announcement of the improvements to Junction 9 of the M3 which will bring huge benefits to the local economy as well as local residents. 

Keeping you safe in your home and in the community

As a victim of burglary in her home, Flick understands how important it is to feel safe and that is why she will have policing as a. priority in Winchester. A record number of police in Hampshire and the planned police officer for each community is welcome news and will help people feel safe. 

Flick has held fraud and scam meetings to advise residents about how to protect themselves from online crime - now the most prevalent form of offending. 

Environment and improving our chalk streams

Protecting our environment and ensuring a new and effective regulatory framework for farmers post-Brexit is a major issue for a largely rural constituency like the Meon Valley.

Flick is pleased the Agriculture Bill and our landmark Environment Bill came through Parliament and have big influence. Rigours legislation has meant that 100% of rivers and seas are now monitored so we can pinpoint any problems and hold water companies to account with hefty fines which they have to spend on improvements in the area. Flick works closely with local environment organisations to ensure that our valuable chalk streams are back to good health. 

Opposing over-development and closing Andover Road

Since Flick moved to Winchester in 1988, there has been a massive increase in housing. She supported the Levelling Up Act in Parliament, giving local people a say in local planning and speeding up the process. Working with local Cllr Jan Warwick, she is opposing building on South Winchester Golf Course and over development at Bushfield Camp. 

Flick will be campaigning to keep Andover Road open. It is obvious that the amount of traffic, including heavy lorries, going through a housing estate is not acceptable. 

Receiving faster Broadband

Broadband and mobile phone coverage in the Meon Valley is still an issue for some communities. Since Flick was elected, she has been helping communities access the Government’s! Gigabit Broadband” voucher scheme, and many homes now have better broadband as a result. She works closely with Building Digital UK (BDUK), Openreach, BT and Ofcom, and holds meeting with residents and broadband companies. Achieving better broadband and mobile connectivity is vital as the technology continues to evolve and open up new potential for businesses and at home. The COVID pandemic highlighted the crucial role of broadband and mobile connectivity in the Meon Valley as we increasingly relied on remote working solutions.

Noise on our roads

Noisy and speeding motorcycles is a scourge in the Meon Valley, especially on the A32 and A272 in the summer months. Residents are fed up with it and we are working towards finding a solution that is proportionate and effective.

Flick worked with the Police and Crime Commissioner and Hampshire police to invest in speed camera technology to tackle persistent noise and speeding on the A32 and A272 and local residents say that it has helped. Flick will continue to talk with Ministers to find a way forward to deal with this unacceptable anti-social behaviour from a minority of motorcyclists and call for acoustic cameras which will help further. 

Looking Ahead 

As the Parliamentary Candidate for Winchester, I will be sending out surveys and asking what constituents' local priorities are in this area.


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